We’re here to help you simplify the next steps of your digital journey.

What we can help you with

Being a digitally capable business is critical in today’s landscape but navigating this can be complex. Knowing which business needs to address first, which service is best for your business, how to implement a long-term solution how to bolster your own digital capabilities can seem daunting.

Delafeld Partners can help you on the right path. ​

Technology & Change

Technology has never been more critical to business performance, but the ever-changing tech landscape makes it difficult to know where to start.

We know what it takes to help you transform your IT from service centre to strategic business enabler.

Leverage technology to unlock your business

Technology has long been a catalyst for change, yet change in today’s Fourth Industrial Revolution is impossible without technology.

But while your IT department should be a core strategic enabler, in reality a lack of efficiency, communication and optimal use of resource can hold back it’s potential to drive the future growth of your business.

Meanwhile, demand for technology solutions across the business results in a complex tangle of SaaS products that don’t integrate well and pose a data security risk. The business need is growing, but implementation is complicated.

Technology transformation is critical to business success – is your business ready to put technology at the heart of its operation?

How it works

Our experts get to the heart of your existing technology and change capabilities and your projects and programmes. We provide actionable insights to help you improve and can design a bespoke IT transformation programme:

  • Operating model and organisation design
  • Technology and Change delivery capabilities
  • Technology strategy design and execution
  • Enterprise Architecture and technology governance
  • Ways of working
  • Talent acquisition and retention
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Digital & E-Commerce

The digital revolution is rapidly changing the world, and the need for businesses to keep up is urgent. Understanding how fast or far you need to go is a fine balance between evolving external pressures and growing internal needs.

We help you build the digital capabilities that you need, so you can grow your business at the pace you want.

Scale your business, people and processes

When we talk digital, we think of a new world where products, services and the way we interact with each other have been changed forever by the internet and cloud technology.

Understanding where your business fits in to the digital landscape becomes a balancing act between establishing your future strategy without diluting your hard-built legacy.

The market is fast-paced, and while it seems like your competitors are making strides, your digital strategy could be being held back by your team’s talent pipeline and ways of working.

Is your business ready to find your pace for digital growth?

How it works

At Delafeld + Partners, our experts have been guiding companies through the digital landscape for over 20 years. Some of the ways we can help:

  • Digital strategy development
  • E-Commerce & UX optimisation
  • Agile ‘ideas to market’ processes and tooling
  • Operating model and organisation design
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Customer Experience

Businesses who are relentlessly focused on their customer needs will win. While most businesses know that customer experience is critical to their success, actually putting customer at the heart of your business can seem like a complex and expensive task.

We build Customer Experience (CX) capabilities, from optimising existing customer journeys to reimaging entire customer value propositions and experiences.

Fuel your customer obsession

If technology is the heart of your business, then customer experience is the blood that flows through it. Without addressing what the customer needs at every available opportunity, your business is missing the crucial component that will power your growth.

But having the right tools in place to deliver outstanding experiences can be costly and time-consuming. And how do you even know that you’re doing the right thing by your customers?

Are you ready to take your customer-focus to the next level?

How it works

Our experts take a focused, creative and scientific approach to fuelling your customer obsession through:

  • End-to-end customer journey design
  • Customer Experience optimisation
  • Service Design
  • Ways of working – operating model and organisation design
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People & Culture

Hiring and retaining the best talent is crucial to any business in today’s competitive landscape – after all, your people are the drivers behind your ongoing growth. Whether resetting your employee value proposition, or hiring the right digital talent to support your business growth, understanding your people needs becomes a blanacing act with your business needs.

We foster environments that your people can be excited to be a part of, and others excited to join.


Power your people-passion

The Digital Revolution has highlighted the need for great people in any business. While the importance of technology has increased, so has the need for the people to execute your business’s vision and drive change.

Yet attracting and retaining talent is still a major concern for most businesses. Creating an environment that draws the best talent in a competitive market, and shows that you value your people, can feel like you’re compromising the culture that has got you this far. At the same time, you know change is needed to improve productivity, pace, teamwork and  employee retention.

How healthy and exciting is your business culture?

How it works

We know that change relies on a people-first approach, which is why at Delafeld Partners, we help our clients focus on their people, culture and ways of working. We help power your passion for your people through:

  • Culture Health check
  • Pay, reward and culture design
  • Ways of working – operating model and organisation design
  • Talent acquisition and retention
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